I had a dream where it had started to rain, and I noticed my house plants were outside, blowing in the wind and about to break. I ran outside to get them with my four-year-old son and stepped on something that shot pain into my ring toe! I yelled for my husband to help but he wasn’t taking it very seriously. He somewhat helped me into bed so I could examine my toe. He and my son were in the bedroom with me and my one year old daughter. I realized I had stepped on a cactus. I asked my husband to get me tweezers, but he didn’t so I had to get them myself. As I started to pull out the cactus needles, my daughter was falling off my bed, and I yelled for my husband to catch her, but he just sat there, so I hurried and tried catching her. She hit her head but was fine so I resumed, pulling out the cactus from my toe. I gave one to my husband to examine and help me confirm that it was a cactus I had stepped on. But they looked more like needles and I was questioning if someone had planted them in my yard on purpose. After I pulled out more, they were cactus needles. I was setting them on my side table and accidentally set some in my brush. I was worried because they were clear and that I was going to forget and start brushing my hair and get them on my scalp. I started to clean my brush and thick flour was was crumbling out of it.
This dream may symbolize various aspects of your life and emotions. The rain could represent emotional cleansing or turmoil. The house plants outside in the wind may symbolize elements of your life that are vulnerable and in danger of being harmed or neglected.
The pain shooting into your ring toe suggests a sudden and unexpected hurt or inconvenience. Your husband's lack of seriousness in helping you could indicate a feeling of not being fully supported or understood in some aspect of your life. It might be worth considering if there are any areas where you feel your needs are being overlooked or not taken seriously.
The cactus needles may symbolize prickly or painful interactions, possibly with people who are close to you. The fact that you questioned if they were intentionally planted in your yard could signify a feeling of suspicion or doubt towards others. This could suggest a need to examine your relationships or environment more closely to protect yourself from potential harm.
Your daughter falling off the bed and your husband's inaction could symbolize a fear of not being able to rely on others in times of crisis or the need to be vigilant in protecting those you care about. It could also suggest a fear of losing control or not being able to prevent potential accidents or harm.
The clear cactus needles and your concern about forgetting and brushing them onto your scalp may represent a fear of unwittingly exposing yourself to pain or harm in a situation where you have control or influence. The thick flour crumbling out of your brush during cleaning might symbolize a need for purification or cleansing in some aspect of your life.
Overall, this dream may be prompting you to examine and address areas of vulnerability, potential harm, or neglect in your relationships, emotions, or surroundings. It could be a reminder to take action to protect yourself and those you care about, while also being cautious of any potential harm or negativity that may arise.